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The Korean Labor Law Bible |
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Labor Cases (Volume 68) - Feature Articles: On Recruitment |
Labor Cases
노동사건 사례모음
Chapter 1. Recent Articles 최근 기고문
I. Multicultural Society: Are the Current Foreign Labor Policies Sustainable?
- Advisor Haesun Kim
다문화 사회: 외국인력 이대로 좋은가? – 김해선 고문
II. Judicial criteria for determining a person is an employee under the L.S.A –Labor Attorney, Eui-Kuen Park
근로자성 여부 판단기준에 대한 해설 – 박의근 노무사
III. A Case of Workplace Harassment (Unwanted & Repeated Attempts from a Supervisor to Become Romantically Involved) – Labor Attorney, Bongsoo Jung
직장 내 괴롭힘 사례 – 정봉수 노무사
VI. Determining Applicability of the Labor Standards Act for Foreign Companies with Fewer than Five Employees – Labor Attorney, Bongsoo Jung
5명 미만 외국계 기업의 근로기준법 적용여부
V. Changing Employment Permit System Foreign Workers to Skilled Technical Workers – Labor Attorney, Bongsoo Jung
고용허가제의 외국인근로자를 숙련기능인력으로 변경 – 정봉수 노무사
Chapter 2. Feature Articles on Recruitment
(특집 기고문: 채용에 관하여)
I. Case Study: Dismissal after Signing Employment Contract but before Official Start of Work – Bongsoo Jung
노동사례: 채용내정과 해고 – 정봉수
II. The Employer's Obligations in the Recruitment Process – Bongsoo Jung
채용절차에 있어 사업주의 의무 – 정봉수
III. Labor Issues in ESG Management - Choong-ho Kang
ESG 경영의 노동 이슈 – 강충호
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사례68_내지영문_003.pdf |
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Subject |
[Winter,2024] Labor Cases (Volume 68) - Feature Articles: On Recruitment |
[Autumn,2024] Labor Cases (Volume 67) - Feature Articles (특집 기고문) were made to prepare for Singapore Event to attract Singaporean companies to Korea |
[Summer,2024] Labor Cases Volume 66 - Feature articles: Workplace Harassment Cases |
[Spring,2024] Labor Cases (Volume 65) : feature articles - Serious Accident Punishment-related Information |
[Winter,2023] Labor Cases Volume 64 - Foreign policy, Annual Paid Leave, Ordinary Wages, Workplace Harassment Cases, Flexible Working Hours |
[Autumn,2023] Labor Cases Volume 63 - The Serious Accidents Punishment Act, Collective Bargaining |
[Summer,2023] Labor Cases Volume 62 - Unpaid Wages, Workplace Sexual Harassment and Bullying, Employee Representatives, Vacationa Sabings Account System, Calculating Severance Pay |
[Spring,2023] Labor Cases Volume 61 - Dismissal, Workplace Harassment, Fatal Accidents Act, Labor Inspception |
[Winter,2022] Labor Cases Volume 60 - Severance Pay, Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Foreign Workers, Visa System |
[Autumn,2022] Labor Cases Volume 59 - Dismissal, Workplace Harrasment, Severance Settlement, Workforce Restructuring |
[Summer,2022] Labor Cases Volume 58 - Noise-induced Hearing Loss Recognized as an Industrial Accident, the Vacation Savings Account System, A Workplace Harassment Case, Sexual Harassment at Work, etc. |
[Spring,2022] Labor Cases Volume 57 - The Fatal Accidents Act and Employer Obligations, etc. |
[Winter,2021] Labor Cases Volume 56 - Freedom of Speech and Responsibility, etc. |
[Autumn,2021] Labor Cases Volume 55 – Revisions of the Labor Laws in the Second Half of 2021 |
[Summer,2021] Labor Cases Volume 54 - Overwork recognized as Cause of Occupational Accident(Heart Attack) |
[Spring,2021] Labor Cases Volume 53 - The Relationship between the Fatal Accidents Act & the Occupational safety & Health Act |
[Winter,2020] Labor Cases Volume 52 - Items to be Considered When Writing an Employment Contract |
[Autumn,2020] Labor Cases Volumn 51 - Working Conditions for Minors |
[Summer,2020] Labor Cases Volumn 50-Work-from-Home Systems |
[Spring,2020] Labor Cases Volume 49 _ Corona Virus Infections and Shut-down Allowance |
[Address] A-1501 406, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06192 Korea (Daechi-Dong, Champs Elysees Center)
Tel : 02-539-0098, Fax : 02-539-4167, E-mail : bongsoo@k-labor.com
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