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Korean Labor Law : Disputes and Resolutions

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  The Korean Labor Law Bible Book
      The improvements in this 6th Edition can be seen in both content and structure. Firstly, the content has been updated with the most recently established and revised labor laws as of October 2020. Secondly, I have inserted into each section labor issues from articles that I have contributed to the monthly magazine Labor Law . Thirdly, in the Korean version, I have attempted to update, supplement, and add contents on the advice of my academic advisor, professor Seung-gil Lee, chairman of the Korean Society of Labor Law, and to whom I am most grateful. Thanks also, Mr.Gavin C. Farrell, Professor in the Department of English Linguistics of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, who reviewed the contents as an English language advisor. This edition has been reconstructed based upon the author’s extended experience and consequently deeper knowledge, again grateful for my advisors’ full support and direction.
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