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  Service Descriptions
Labor and Personnel Affairs/Consulting
Labor Union management
Review/Establishment of Company Regulations
Education and Training
Agent for Labor Issues, etc.
Payroll & Social Insurance outsourcing

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  Labor Union management
01   Delegate negotiator for collective bargaining  

02   Practical advice and guide to collective negotiation/ agreement  

03   Advice on tactics required for collective negotiation, and training of negotiation committee members  

04   Private arbitration or mediation  

05   Suggestions as to countermeasures at labor disputes(Strikes, etc.)  

  Current & Former Clients  
미항교통(민택노조), 난계국악단(예술노조), 엠케트랜드(경기지역노조), ThyssenkKrupp Dongyang Elevator(금속노조), 수덕관광, 백제관광, 에듀마이스터, 서울특별시, 인천 아발론 어학원 등 다수


[주 소] (06192) 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 406 A-1501 (대치동, 샹제리제센터)

Tel : 02-539-0098, Fax : 02-539-4167, E-mail : bongsoo@k-labor.com

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