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Subject   Publication of quarterly “Labor Cases”, Spring version of 2024 (65th edition)

Labor Cases
노동사건 사례모음
Chapter 1. Key Labor News 주요 노동뉴스
I. The Serious Accidents Punishment Act Expanded to Apply to Businesses with Fewer
than 50 Employees Starting Jan. 27, 2024
2024. 1. 27. 중대재해처벌법이 50인 미만 사업장으로 확대 적용
II. Prosecutors: No charges filed in wage discrepancy case where regular wage, higher than the average wage, was not used for severance pay calculation
퇴직금 계산에 있어 통상임금이 평균임금보다 더 높은 경우, 통상임금으로 퇴직금을 계산하지 않아 기소된 임금 차액 청구사건에 대해 무혐의 결정
III. The Incorrect Administrative Interpretation on Calculating Severance Pay has caused a lot of confusion in severance pay calculation
퇴직금 산정을 통상임금으로 안내한 행정해석의 문제점

Chapter 2. Recent Articles 최근 기고문
I. Multinational Companies, Let's Understand and Deal with Employment Contracts Accurately!
다국적 기업, 근로계약을 정확히 알고 대처하자!
II. Whether a Study Room Manager’s Working Hours can be recognized as Full-time Work 독서실 총무의 근로시간 인정여부
III. Case Study: Appropriate Employer Response to Workplace Harassment Reports
직장 내 괴롭힘 사례를 통해서 본 사용자의 바람직한 대응
IV. Appropriate Responses to Different Types of Industrial Actions
쟁의행위 유형별 대응방안

Chapter 3. Serious Accident Punishment-related Information
특집: 중대재해 예방과 관련된 지식
I. The Relationship between the Serious Accidents Punishment Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act 중대재해처벌법과 산업안전보건법과의 관계
II. Korean labor: The Fatal Accidents Act and Employer Obligations
중대재해 처벌법과 사업주의 대응방안

File   2024년 분기별 사례집 봄호 65호 v1.jpg

120 (1/6)
No Subject
120 Pending publication of 500 Supreme Court judgements concerning labor law  
119 Korean labor law: employment and labor inspection manual expected to be published soon  
118 Korean labor law app development for automatically generating each chapter of the rules of employment  
117 Korean minimum wage for 2025 was decided last night. It is 10,030 KRW, 1.7% increased from this year 2024. Monthly minimum wage is 2,096,270 KRW, which includes weekly holiday allowances.  
116 Korean labor law app development- admin section is re-arranged: combination of similar functions   
115 Korean labor law app - update : major templates and regulations - preview page made for each section  
114 The final draft of The Korean Labor Law Bible is made today. This Bible will be 7th edition since the first edition was published in 2005.  
113 Korean labor law app development project: Additional grouping into 5 categories, rearranging the order of sections, and adding automatic calculation functions to the display  
112 Lectures on Korean labor cases will be delivered in English. The first class starts July 4 at 7 p.m.
111 KangNam Labor Law Firm participated in the roadshow in Hong Kong to attract HK companies and BJ Jung introduced visiting of HK city.  
110 Korean labor law website has been updated. It introduces topics on the first page to look up things.  
109 Korean labor attorney, bongsoo Jung participates in road show of Invest Korea at Hong Kong to attract firms
108 Korean labor app : contents grouping - employment contract, workplace harassment and restructuring  
107 Quarterly magazine “Labor Cases” has published. This is a summer 2024 version, volume 65 since 2008.  
106 Korean labor portal site project : www-labor.com site will include links to APP of Korean Labor Law  
105 Korean labor law: grouping of wage / severance pay; grouping of working hours/annual leave/holidays  
104 Korean labor union management under on category  
103 App development: grouping wages and severance pay, working hours - annual leave - holiday, and union  
102 Korean labor law: app functions grouping for labor auditing and for foreign employment and visa
101 Grouping functions of industrial accident compensation in APP development

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