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강남노무법인 대표 정봉수 올림.

10 Lawyers In Seoul For English-Speaking Foreigners https://www.10mag.com/english-speaking-lawyers-law-firms-in-seoul-korea/ @10_Magazine 님이 공유


10 Lawyers In Seoul For English-Speaking Foreigners | 10 Magazine Korea

Seoul Law Firms That Specialize in Helping Foreigners

Pureum Law Office (PLO) | Immigration, Divorce & Criminal Law

A boutique law firm created specifically to help foreigners with their legal issues, Pureum Law Office (PLO) specializes in handling immigration, divorce and criminal defense. The 3 English-speaking lawyers at PLO have extensive experience handling the kinds of cases foreigners often face.

Their lead partner, Simon Lee, has been awarded a certification of appreciation from the US Embassy in Seoul for his assistance of US citizens in need. You can also regularly get free legal advice from him at the Seoul Global Center.

Taeshin Law Firm | Criminal & Civil Law

Taeshin Law Firm specializes in helping international visitors and residents dealing with criminal and/or civil legal cases. More specifically, they focus on sex crimes, criminal cases, car accidents, and issues with medical care. Since opening in 2012, they have grown to 8 English-speaking lawyers and they represent the US Army and Air Force.

Tek & Law | Corporate Legal Complience

A boutique law firm specializing in Information Communication Technology, Tek & Law lawyers deal in everything from corporate legal compliance to game theft. Their expertise in the information protection field is crucial in Korea, where complying with the laws regarding information protection can be very challenging, as they are quite detailed and constantly changing.

Kangnam Labor Law Firm | Labor Law

With 4 English-speaking attorneys, Kangnam Labor Law Firm concentrates on labor law, helping ensure that foreign employees are given the same rights as Koreans. To keep their services reasonably priced, most of their legal cases are taken care of at the Labor Relations Commission and/or the Labor Office rather than in court.

Yeyul Law Firm | Immigration Law

Yeyul Law Firm specializes in immigration law, including helping refugees dealing with visa issues. There are 3 English-speaking lawyers at Yeyul Law Firm.

lawyers in korea law firms

Large-scale / International Law Firms

IPG Legal | Business, Civil, Criminal Law

The lawyers of IPG focus on business law, civil litigation, franchise law, and criminal defense. With affiliated offices around the world, they’re a good choice for cross-border issues. One of the partners there, Sean Hayes, runs one of the best English blogs on the Korean legal landscape, The Korean Law Blog. If the constantly-changing legal environment of this country interests you, it will make an excellent resource.

Yulchon LLC | Corporate, Tax, Labor & Employment Law

Yulchon LLC has grown to a firm of more than 400 professionals and 60 attorneys, many of them English speaking. Over the years, Yulchon has provided service to its clients in major practice areas such as Corporate & Finance, Dispute Resolution, Real Estate & Construction, Tax, and Labor & Employment. Besides their Seoul office they also have affiliated branches in Russia, Myanmar, China, and Vietnam.

Lee & Ko | Risk Management, Intellectual Property Law

The second largest law firm in South Korea, with approximately 500 attorneys, Lee & Ko offers a wide range of legal expertise. In addition to their main office, they have three offices abroad: Beijing, Ho Chi Minh City (aka Saigon), and Hanoi. Lee & Ko also has a division specializing in Intellectual Property issues, Lee & Ko IP. Seoul Risk Management, another popular legal blog, is run by Lee & Ko lawyer Bryan Hopkins.

Kim & Chang | Major Law Practices

The big boy on the block, Kim & Chang is the largest law firm in Korea. It boasts over 1,300 professionals, including Korean, Chinese, US, French, British, and European-licensed lawyers, patent trademark attorneys, and other subject experts. With the massive number of lawyers and wide array of expertise, Kim & Chang is the place to call when money is no object and you want the leading law firm in Korea.

For more detailed information, check out our section on lawyers and lawfirms on our own 10 Directory!

10 Lawyers In Seoul For English-Speaking Foreigners | 10 Magazine Korea

Here you can find lawyers in Seoul who speaks english. With Lawyers specializing in all legal services for foreigners you won't be stranded on your own.



100개 (1/5)
번호 제목
100 앱 개발 : 강남노무법인 앱 기능 분야별 재편성 - 산재보상 - 근로감독 준비 - 외국인 고용과 비자 그룹별로 모음  
99 강남노무법인 출판물 13권 판매 개시 - 어플에서 직접 구입 가능 - 네이버 쇼핑몰과 연계하여 판매 개시 - 10% 할인, 무료 배송
98 강남노무법인 분기별 “노동사건 사례모음” 2024년 봄호 (65판) 출간 되었습니다. 많은 활용 바랍니다.
97 앱 개발 - 판례 500선 개발 완료 자료 입력 중, 대법원 주요 핵심 판례를 각 섹션별로 구분하였고, 판례를 새로이 편집하여 올림 - 위대한 작업
96 노동사례 영어강의 2024년 2회차 공지 - 강남노무법인 홈페이지에서 신청 - 줌 강의
95 근로시간, 휴일, 휴가 매뉴얼 - 제2개정판 소개 - 2024년 2월 까지 노동법 법령, 판례 모두 변경과 반영
94 노사협의회 설립, 규약작성, 고용노동부 신고 - 30인 이상 사업장 의무 - 강남노무법인 앱 개발 완료
93 근로시간, 휴일, 휴가 매뉴얼 개정판 출간
92 앱 추가기능 설명 - 게시판 4개 추가 : 강남노무법인 공지사항, 주간 기고문, 월간 기고문, 분기별 사례모음
91 강남노무법인 앱 개발 추가 발주 : 앱에 기고문 자료 보강 (공지, 분기별 사례모음, 월간 기고문, 주간 가고문), 그리고 노사협의회 설립과 신고 내용 추가 개발
90 강남노무법인 분기별 사례모음 64호 2023년 겨울호 발간 - 내용 소개
89 노동법과 노동사례 영어 강의 - 정봉수 노무사, 오프라인 강의, 선릉역 1번 출구, 2024. 1월과 2월 매주 화요일 저녁 7시
88 2023년 외투기업 노사관계 지원 및 발전방안 세미나 개최
87 (11월, 12월) 노동법 영어 강의 안내 - 총 6회, 매주 화요일 저녁 7-9 까지, 온라인 줌으로 진형, 11월 14일(화) 시작
86 임금 매뉴얼 개정판 출간 - 내용이 많이 개선 되었습니다.
85 취업규칙 자동작성 프로그램 공개 개시
84 임금 매뉴얼 개정판 보완작업
83 강남노무법인 분기별 사례집 2023년 가을호 (63) 출간 되었습니다. 최근 노동법 내용, 최근 기고문, 특집 노동조합 교섭 사례를 담고 있다. 널리 읽혀지기를 바란다.
82 취업규칙 자동 적성 프로그램 개발 의미, 사용법, 기능 설명
81 1001번 째 동영상 촬영 - 앞으로 동영상 촬영 방향 제시, 유튜브에 우선 올리고, 이를 강남노무법인 앱의 동영상 21개 부분에 연결하는 과정 거쳐서 완성

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