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Subject   A Human Resources Seminar, “Top Issues in Labor Law for 2012”
“Top Issues in Labor Law for 2012”
A Human Resources Seminar
2012년 노동법 주요핵심 쟁점 세미나

(This seminar will be presented in Korean, but distributed documents will be in both Korean and English. Upon request, we will be able to respond to questions in English or Korean. 세미나는 한국어로 진행되지만, 관련 모든 자료는 국/영문으로 제공되고, 관련 질문에 대해 국/영문으로 모두 답변 가능합니다.)

Recently, labor laws have undergone significant changes along with new judicial rulings, which are expected to greatly affect labor management for companies. There are many essential items for HR managers to familiarize themselves with in order to cope with labor issues.
Kangnam Labor Law Firm plans to hold a Human Resources Seminar on the top issues in Labor Law for 2012, in order to provide companies with the most up-to-date information. We believe you will find this information indispensible to maintaining normal operations in your business through these changing times.
최근 노동법이 많이 변경되었고, 특히 최근 판례에서 노동부의 행정해석을 변경을 요구하는 많은 판례가 발생하고 있습니다. 이러한 중요한 상황에서 인사담당자에게 꼭 필요한 교육을 제공하고자 다음과 같이“2012년 노동법 주요핵심 쟁점 세미나”를 개최하고자 하오니 많이 참석하셔서 많은 도움이 되시길 바랍니다.

1. Speakers: Three labor attorneys from KangNam Labor Law Firm
(강남노무법인 노무사 3명)
2. Date: 2012년 6월 28일 목요일 14:00 ~ 17:30
14:00~17:30 on Thursday, June 28, 2012
3. Place: Seoul Subway Line 7, Hakdong Station, Korea Customs Brokers
        Association building (10 meters from Exit #1)
        서울시 강남구 논현동 209-9 한국관세사회관 대강당
        (지하철 7호선 학동역 1번 출구 앞 10m 한국관세사회관)
4. Fee: 30,000 won (free for regular clients of Kangnam Labor Law Firm)
30,000원 (단, 노무법인 회원사는 무료)
(Related documents and the Firm’s quarterly periodicals will be given out
‘노동사례(2012년 여름호)’ 국/영문 계간지 및 강의자료책자 무료 제공)
5. Schedule & Agenda

13:30 ~ 13:50         Registration (등록)
13:50 ~ 14:00 Welcome message and introduction of our smart phone                         application “A Bilingual Code of Korean Labor Law” 환영인사,                 영한노동법전 App 기능소개
14:00-15:00: New Policies & Revisions to Labor Law in 2012
2012년 노동관련 법률 개정사항
- Labor Attorney Suehee Kim (김수희 노무사)
15:00-16:00: Ordinary wages
(상여금/복지비의 통상임금화에 대한 판례, 쟁점)
Weekly holiday work allowance
(휴일근로 가산임금 지급여부에 대한 판례, 쟁점)
Internal subcontracting & illegal dispatch
(사내하도급과 불법파견에 대한 사례, 쟁점)
- Labor Attorney Bongsoo Jung (정봉수 노무사)
16:00-17:00: Multiple unions and related issues
(복수 노조 관련 주요 쟁점 및 관련 동향)
- Labor Attorney Kyuhee Park (박규희 노무사)
17:00-17:30: Q&A’s and raffle (10 bilingual books on labor law)
질의응답 및 경품추첨 (노사문제 사례별 대응방안 10권), 폐회

6. Seminar Application (세미나 신청접수 마감) : by 2012.6.22(금)
7. To register(신청방법), please send your application to KangNam Labor Law Firm(at the address on this letterhead) or email it to bongsoojung@naver.com.

For more information on these presentations, please visit our website: www.k-labor.com, or call the office at 02-539-0098.
강의신청은 펙스나 이메일로 보내주시면 됩니다. 더 자세한 내용은 강남노무법인의 홈페이지를 참고하세요.

With best regards,
Bongsoo Jung
Representative Labor Attorney of
KangNam Labor Law Firm

File   20120610191643_95.doc

99 (1/5)
No Subject
99 Korean labor law app development: grouping of occupational accident compensation, labor auditing,  
98 Korean labor books selling at App - 13 publications with 10% discount and free delivery
97 Publication of quarterly “Labor Cases”, Spring version of 2024 (65th edition)
96 Korean 500 labor precedent cases were uploaded in App contents - it is a great job ever made in App
95 Korean labor law lectures - zoom online -starting March 12 - register your attendance at k-labor.com
94 Korean labor law: introduction of 2nd edition- Manual on Working Holidays and Leaves
93 APP: Development for labor-management council establishment, and reporting form & templates uploaded
92 New edition: Manual on Working Hours, Holidays, and Leave
91 Korean labor law: APP functions added (notice, weekly and monthly articles, quarterly labor cases)
90 Korean labor law: app’s new functions - periodicals (weekly, monthly, and quarterly) and LMC adding
89 Korean labor law magazine- Labor Cases - Winter 2023, 64th edition - which includes labor cases
88 Korean labor law lectures on labor cases (6 times in January and in February) on Tuesday evening
87 Seminar on Support and Development Strategies for Labor-Management Relations in Foreign-Invested Enterprises in 2023
86 (For November and December) Korean labor lecturers in English - 6 times from Nov 14 every Tuesday at 7 to 9 pm about labor cases: its first day starts on November 14, 2023 (Tuesday)
85 publication of second edition, Wage Manual
84 Korean labor law: rules of employment - automatic making by using standard templates - bilingual
83 Korean wage manual’s 2nd edition is ready to be published. Soon, its 2nd edition will be available.
82 Korean quarterly labor magazine published: “Labor cases” for the autumn of 2023 (volume 63).
81 Korean labor law: rules of employment - automatic preparation of the rules of employment in the app
80 Korean labor case video recording, 1001st video. This video will cover story-telling on labor disputes

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[Address] A-1501 406, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06192 Korea (Daechi-Dong, Champs Elysees Center)

Tel : 02-539-0098, Fax : 02-539-4167, E-mail : bongsoo@k-labor.com

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